End of Life Care

End of Life Care and Humane Cat & Dog Euthanasia

Your pet’s final years should be filled with as much joy, comfort, and peace as possible. At Pennsylvania Veterinary Care, we offer extensive palliative and hospice care services that help to ease old age aches and pains as well as discomfort from illness. And when it’s time to say goodbye, we offer humane cat and dog euthanasia services that provide your pet with a peaceful passing. End of life decisions are some of the most difficult you’ll have to make regarding your pet’s care, but we’re here for you every step of the way

Palliative & Hospice Care

Palliative care provides comfort to your pet during treatment, while hospice care makes sure they’re comfortable after treatment has ended. Both types of care often involve the same options for treatment which are

  • Pain medications including NSAIDs and opioids
  • Laser therapy
  • Stem cell therapy
  • Platelet rich plasma therapy

Knowing When It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Cats and dogs can’t tell us when they’re ready to pass on, but seeing their quality of life diminish can be a telling sign.

Here are some signs your pet may be ready to pass on: 

  • No longer interested in things they used to love like walks, treats, their favorite game, etc.
  • No more getting up to greet you happily at the door
  • Little or no interest in eating or drinking
  • Trouble standing up and lying down
  • Sleeping most of the day
  • Avoiding social interaction with the family and other pets
  • Is in pain, despite pain medications

Please schedule an appointment with us if you notice any of the above signs, and we'll first try to provide hospice or palliative care to ease your pet's discomfort and give you a little more time with them. Once our efforts stop working, however, we'll be here to guide you in your next decision. 

What to Expect with Pet Euthanasia

Cat and dog euthanasia, while a hard decision to come to, is often the most humane option for a pet who is suffering. The euthanasia causes no pain or stress to your pet and lets them pass on with dignity. When you arrive for your appointment, your pet and your family will be given a private room in which to say your final goodbye. When you’re ready, we’ll administer a sedative that puts your pet into a deep sleep. Then, we’ll administer the euthanasia. The medicine works very quickly and your pet will pass on painlessly and peacefully in seconds.

To avoid difficult decisions on the day of your pet’s passing, we recommend making after-care decisions ahead of time. If you need any guidance in choosing after-care services, please don’t hesitate to ask.

At this time, we offer our euthanasia services to existing clients only. To get established as a client, schedule an appointment through our website or by calling us today. If you are an existing client and would like to schedule a visit to discuss euthanasia please schedule an appointment by calling us.

Pennsylvania Veterinary Care


5438 S Pennsylvania Ave,
Lansing, MI 48911